Covid 19


Due to Covid 19 there are some amendments to the main T&C. dated 01/07/20 and will be updated as changes to the situation.

General –

d : Amendment to cancellations. If a student is required to cancel within the 24 hour set out in the main T&C due to symptoms of Covid as laydown in the Government guidance at that time, they will not need to pay for that booked lesson. All other cancallections are still required to pay in FULL.

f: Added to Learner comfort and safety:

                            f.             You must wash before and after each lesson and use sanitizer before you start.

                g.             PPE face masks are optional during learning. You must follow the rules on test for PPE as laid out by DVSA policy.

                h.             If you have any symptoms of Covid they you are not to participate in learning to drive until you are clear as lid down by the                                 Government.

                            i.              The car controls will be cleaned between each student and at the end of the day will have a full clean.