Licence information

At Learn 2 Pass Driving School Wigan, I want your tuition to run as smoothly as possible and to do this all legal requirements concerning your licence will be checked before training can commence. Below are just a few things you should know before starting your driving lessons with any driving school.

Before you can drive a car you'll need...

To be 17 years old (unless registered disabled) and have a signed provisional driving licence for the category of vehicle you intend to drive for manual or automatic.

You can apply for your provisional licence up to three months before your 17th birthday. To obtain a licence, visit the Post Office for a D1 licence application form. complete the D1 and send off the application form.

To book your lessons ...

You will need your provisional driving licence before you can take any lessons. I recommend professional instruction, but you may wish to practice in another vehicle if accompanied by someone who is at least 21 years of age and has held a full driving licence for at least three years, and you display 'L' plates at the back and front of the car. You must also be insured to drive the private car, you will be insured to driver the instructors car already.

The theory test has to be passed before applying for the practical tests and consists of a hazard perception test and multiple choice theory questions. For the latest rules and regulations you can try the following sites ... for full information on driving tests and on-line booking, and for the forms to obtain your provisional licence.